Over the past seven years as a wedding coordinator I've handled more than a few (shall I say) sticky situations? It usually starts with an email from the bride requesting advice on how to deal with her soon to be mother in law that wants to wear black to the wedding or insists on having her tone deaf sister sing during the ceremony. However, more often than not, that pesky little thing called "the budget" is the root of most uncomfortable moments during the planning process. Here's the bottom line for your bottom line: Weddings are blissful, joyous and magical occasions but they can be extremely stressful at times. So before you blow your lid over the wrong shade of blush, bite your lip and pick up Miss Manners' Guide To A Surprisingly Dignified Wedding. Seriously the holey grail to all things wedding from form to fashion covering all the crazy in between. It's smartly written and gets down to the nitty gritty so you can spend more time focusing on things like "adoring your fiance" and less time on back pedaling out of a potentially awkward situation with your soon to be out-laws in-laws. Trust me, there's room in the budget to buy the book here.
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